Whatsapp for ipad air

How to get WhatsApp on iPad: Install & use the service on ...

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Jailbreak users can easily install WhatsApp on their iPad with the help of tweaks that are available on Cydia. Luckily, even if you are not jailbroken, there is a way to install WhatsApp on your iPad. It can be done using a modified version of WhatsApp called WhatsPad++ that is built for the iPad.

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Quizá en alguna ocasión te has preguntado cómo instalar WhatsApp en iPad, iPad Air o iPad Mini. Hasta hace un tiempo era posible hacerlo sin necesidad de recurrir al Jailbreak, pero desde que Apple cerró el acceso a herramientas como iTools ya no es posible. Does WhatsApp work on the iPad? If not, why not? - … Whatsapp use the user's phone number as a unique identifier. Part of their authorization process is an sms text message with a challenge response to validate that the … [2 façons] Comment utiliser WhatsApp sur l'iPad Installer WhatsApp sur l’iPad Allez dans l’App Store de votre iPad et téléchargez l’une des messageries, par exemple Messenger for WhatsApp – iPad Chat Version (par Interclick Media). La plupart de ces apps sont gratuites et offrent la désactivation payante de publicité.