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Tamam, sistem temizliği yapmaya yarıyor ve yararlı birkaç özelliği var ama program sürekli arkaplanda çalışıyor ve internete erişiyor. Bana da güven vermediği için Advanced System Care'i kullanmayı bıraktım. Onun yerine CCleaner'ı ve Wise Care 365'i kullanıyorum bazen. Giveaway - Wise Care 365 PRO - free license | Download.hr forum Wise Care 365 Pro is a comprehensive "all-in-one" program for optimizing and improving the performance of Windows, which includes fast scanning Having absorbed all the functions of popular tools Wise Registry Cleaner and Wise Disk Cleaner, Wise Care 365 cleans the disk and registry... Wise Care 365 2.26 released | My Digital Life Forums Wise Care 365 includes both Wise Disk Cleaner and Wise Registry Cleaner. However, with other attractive and exciting features, it is far more than Wise Care 365 keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows: Changes: Improved "One-click Restore" in Startup Manager. Other/Misc - Wise Care 365 Pro 3.9.3 | Raymond.cc Forum
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